Bespoke Programmes
Avoiding the dangers of ‘one size fits all’, we pride ourselves on developing bespoke programmes that support parents and schools with their individual needs.
Examples of Programmes
We have designed a wide range of programmes over recent years to support parents and their children. Whilst the structure and content have varied depending upon need, the design of our programmes aims to secure buy-in and to provide support to enable sustainable knowledge, skill and habit development.
Here are several programmes we’ve developed:
‘Help Your Child Thrive with Transition’ Programme
An evidence led programme for the parents/carers of children moving from Nursery to Reception which focuses on preparing for smooth transition. Our practical guide along with fun, engaging activities help parents to fully support their child’s successful transition to Reception class so that they are confident, happy, excited and ready to learn in their new setting.
Evidence from EEF suggests that parental engagement strategies are typically more effective with parents of very young children. Our programme which supports parents of pre school aged children provides practical strategies, tips, support and resources ensuring learning at home is of high quality and consistent with what learning will take place in Reception, making transition smooth and successful.
As parents we know that the transition from Nursery to Reception can be as can be as nerve-wracking and exciting for parents as it is for children. Our transition programme which consists of 5 weekly sessions are run in either your child’s current nursery or the school they will attend. Sessions support parents so they can further prepare their child in the best possible way for their journey into a new setting.
Each session explores the most effective ways for parents to help their children be ready for the move to school. The programme also provides parents with an insight into the curriculum their children will follow and the numerous ways they can provide continuity with what is learned in school and how this can be practised at home.
Our transition programme provides the perfect link from nursery to home and from home to school. Sharing information with your child’s new school about what they’re practising at home and making new, positive connections will certainly contribute to your child making a confident start in their new setting. Knowing what to expect as your child starts school can help reduce anxiousness you may have as you effectively support their transition.
Amazing Insight into what we can expect in Reception and how we can help our son prepare with so many fun games that we can play over the Summer. Thank you!
Helen, parent, East Prescot Road Nursery School.
I feel prepared to help my child with transition in so many different ways. The programme has helped me feel more confident about what to expect and how I can prepare. So many fun activities which make learning enjoyable and positive.
Sarah, Parent, East Prescot Road Nursery School.
Our parents and carers at found this programme incredibly informative and engaging, empowering them to fully support their child’s successful transition to Reception class. The course materials were highly relevant and useful, equipping parents with a toolkit of resources to help them navigate the curriculum expectations of the Reception year. We are very grateful to Kerry and we look forward to working with her again next year. Amazing!
Craig Boulton, Assistant Headteacher, East Prescot Road Nursery School
Bespoke support of parents…
W and J, parents to three children, H, C and L who are all under 6 years old.
Our bespoke programmes give us the opportunity to deliver to parents who had recently had their three children removed and were living in foster care. Social services had heard about our programme and thought this would be of huge benefit to this particular family. Children, H,C and L are 6, 4 and 18 months and in their short lives have had much upheaval. Parent W is a recovering addict and after being intoxicated whilst in charge of her 3 children, social services put children H,C and L in care.
Parents W and J came to us whilst we worked with them over 6 weeks on a one to one basis, giving them practical tips, tools and activities with their children to develop a closer bond with them through reading to them, talking to them more, playing games with them, cooking with them and establishing clear routines particularly around bedtime.
W and J would have supervised access to their children once a week in a centre which they’d originally found stressful as they didn’t find it warm and welcoming and spoke about how upset their children would be at being separated from them again at the end of the session.
Armed with strategies and games to engage their children form the ‘Help Your Child Thrive’ programme, Wednesdays became so much happier for children H, C and L. Their parents told us how their own confidence had grown at interacting with their children and how happy their children were being read to, playing games and having a go at the activities we’d practised on our course. W and J were very proud and showed us many photos and videos of them interacting with their children. Parents W and J hadn’t realised how bright their eldest child was and were delighted at how much she loved puzzles and other maths games. School told us how settled child H had become even though she had felt very confused about being in care but still being able to see her parents on a Wednesday. Child H skills with maths and phonics had improved in school and her parents told us how much she enjoyed doing all the different activities with them during supervised meetings.
The programme had such a huge impact on W and J that they did not want it to end! We’ve stayed on touch and were ecstatic to find out that the judge had been so impressed with their commitment to the programme and remaining sober. An evidence of impact folder we produced showing all what W and J had been doing with the children led him to make the judgement that children H, C and L were better off with their parents than being in care. Children H,C and L are now out of foster care and back in their family home which is brilliant for all of the family. Both nursery school and school of children H and C have been pleased with the progress made by both children recently in terms of building relationships with adults, feeling relaxed and being ready to learn. We built up such rapport with this family that we were invited and attended their youngest son’s christening. The family continue to thrive.
For further information
Contact us to discuss how we can support your bespoke needs.